Our Vision
Our vision is to develop young people with active and creative minds who are able to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Our curriculum, which can be defined as all of the learning planned and guided by the school, whether carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school, is the way in which we put our vision into practice.
Benyon Primary School values the total development of every child’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical enhancement. Our aim is that each, and every pupil, will have access to a rich, broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. Each pupil’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with others. We strive towards our parents, carers, staff and community members being actively involved in children’s learning.
Aims and Objectives
We aim to help pupils to:
- acquire knowledge and skills relevant to life in a rapidly changing world;
- use language and number skills effectively;
- understand the world in which they live, and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations;
- develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally, and to apply themselves to tasks, and physical skills;
- appreciate and understand religions and moral values and show tolerance for other races, religions and ways of life;
- appreciate human achievements and aspirations;
English: We follow the National Curriculum for English. Synthetic phonics are taught systematically in Early Years and Key Stage 1 using the Read Write Inc. scheme. Additionally, children progress through the banded reading books in the book band library during Early Years and Key Stage 1. These quality texts cover a range of genres and offer pupils a wide choice. Then, soon after starting Key Stage 2, pupils begin choosing from a range of high quality and stimulating texts from our bronze, silver and gold library. Reading comprehension skills are taught as a whole class approach during daily reciprocal reading sessions and a weekly dedicated comprehension lesson, based on challenging quality texts. Writing skills are taught systematically using a range of resources and stimulus covering a multitude of genres across the curriculum. Handwriting is taught using the Nelson handwriting scheme. Grammar, punctuation and spelling is taught daily within every English lesson.
Mathematics: We follow the National Curriculum for mathematics. Teachers prepare mathematics lessons using a range of resources following the whole school calculation policy. Pupils complete weekly homework activities using Schofield and Sims mental arithmetic books. Problem-solving strategies are taught and practised weekly during dedicated problem-solving lessons. Times tables are taught daily.
Art: In Art the children explore the history of artists and a range of mediums. Pupils learn about visual, tactile expression and communication.
Design and Technology: Pupils lessons combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, functions and industry.
Computing: Computing lessons are based on the Switched On Computing scheme.
Geography: Pupils develop knowledge, skill and understanding related to people, places and environments at different scales in the UK and overseas, following our own personalised schemes of work.
History: Pupils explore, discover and investigate developments from British, European and World History, following our own personalised schemes of work.
Music: We follow the Charanga Scheme of work. These lessons are based on: listening and appraising; Musical Activities - creating and exploring; singing and performing.
Physical Education: PE lessons in gymnastics, dance, games and athletics are based on the Val Sabin schemes of work. Many lessons are taught by specialist PE coaches.
PSHE: The school uses the Cambridgeshire framework along with additional Channel 4 material to support Sex and Relationships Education. Where appropriate, the IPC Society and Personal goals are incorporated into a term’s learning.
Religious Education: RE lessons are based on SACRE, the locally-agreed syllabus.
Science: We follow the National Curriculum for science. Lessons are prepared based on Snap Science units of work.
More detailed information about our curriculum can be obtained by clicking here, or on request at the school office, or you can contact us by clicking the ‘contact us’ link at the top of this page.
Additionally, below are some links related to the above information:
Every term each year group provides a curriculum information letter. These can be found below:
Long Term Curriculum Overview
Spring Term 2025
Nursery | |
Reception | |
Y1 | |
Y2 | |
Y3 | |
Y4 | |
Y5 | |
Y6 | |
Autumn 2024
Nursery | |
Reception | |
Year 1 | |
Year 2 | |
Year 3 | |
Year 4 | |
Year 5 | |
Year 6 |