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Year 1


Miss Burgess (Year Lead)

Mr McConkey

Welcome to Year 1

We have had a busy few weeks in Year 1.

In English, the children have been working hard to gain confidence with their writing ability and some have started to use adjectives in their writing. The children have written a recount of the story, 'This is the Bear' and have even attempted to innovate the popular story of 'Handa's Surprise.'


In Maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. The children were confident in counting two groups of object and could also solve picture based questions. We also looked at adding and subtracting on a number line.


In Science our topic is 'Our Senses'. We have gone on a sight walk around the school and completed a taste test as part of one of our other lessons. The children were able to try various different items and use language such as; crunchy, sour, sweet, dry and juicy to describe the different items. The lemon was a very unpopular item!

We have now finished designing and planning our Windmills in DT. Over the coming weeks we will be assembling them.


Reminder: PE days Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure kits come into school on Monday and no earrings are worn on these days. Any children attending afterschool football club should also bring an additional kit on this day.

Parent Teacher Meeting



Curriculum Information










In Year 1 the children are expected to;

  • Complete daily reading and log this into reading record provided
  • Practice weekly spellings in preparation for spelling test, this can be done on EdShed or on paper

Homework will be set on a Friday through the use of Purple mash. Each child will have a login. This will include one reading comprehension task and one maths and/or English activity. Occasionally, topic activities may be set to support learning in class.


Children are encouraged to regularly use TTrockstars (Numbots) to promote their understanding of timetables and bonds. Check TTrockstars for new competitions and challenges. 

Logins for TTRS, EdShed and Purple Mash can be found stuck inside your child's reading record.

New spellings will be handed out on the Friday of each week, the spelling tests will then happen on the following Thursday.


Reading records will be collected in each Friday to be checked and reading books to be changed. We do ask that reading records and home reading books stay in your child's school bag at all times, this way if we would like to hear the children read they have their levelled reading book within their bag.

Useful Links

TT Rockstars

Learn your times tables whilst having fun.



This is an exciting spelling and maths resource for the children to explore and practice weekly spellings.



For more ideas on what to do at home, the following website has lots of fun activities based on different themes such as…


Phonics and Reading

Phonics Play is used in school and the children really enjoy playing the games. This is a phone and tablet friendly website.

Oxford Owls have a wide selection of reading books that you can access at home. Many of those books are the same as the ones we have at school. You can filter the selection of books to include 'phonics' books to support the learning of phonics. The website also provides a guide to phonics which includes a video demonstrating how to pronounce single letter phonemes (sounds) and interactive maths games too. 

Other educational websites


Oak Academy

Visit Oak Academy's on-line classroom for a range of free virtual lessons.


BBC BiteSize



For brilliant science based discussions, activities and experiments.

Upcoming Events



