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Year 4

Week 4 - Week 7 


And that brings a close to our first half term in Year 4 and what a busy and exciting one it has been! The last 3 weeks have seen our first topics draw to a close. We learnt so much about the Windrush this half term in History, which ended with learning about the pioneers, and how the Windrush Day is celebrated.

In English we wrote our own stories based on an animation film we watched called 'The Present'. The children used their amazing detailed writing to describe the emotions in the story. In the final week, the children wrote their very own poem, based on the poem 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. They used their imaginative language in order to describe what would be in their box.

In Maths, then children developed their knowledge on subtraction, developing ther formal written method of the operation. They have been learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock, before answering some tricky worded problems. We also got to show off our knowledge during assessment week too, where the children applied themselves brilliantly, and showed how good they were!

In Science we concluded our 'electricity' topic. The children experimented and explored made their own circuits with switches as well as investigating which items were conductors or insulators in a circuit.

But the children's best part of the half term was of course making their biscuits in the DT lesson. The children worked hard in small groups to measure the ingredients correctly, mix the contents of the bowl, and create the biscuits on a baking tray, before carefully placing them into the oven to be baked, and then of course....... eating them! They were yummy....... so we were told.

Week 3 - Week 4

The children have been working very hard over the past 2 weeks. We have continued to learn about the Windrush, developing our knowledge on how people felt shortly after arriving and the problems they faced. This was enhanced when we had Freshwater Theatre Company come in and role play a time traveler, for which the children joined in amazingly, passing set tasks to become time travelers themselves. In Science we have continued to improve our electricity knowledge, setting up circuits and learning how switches work. In maths we have continued to develop our number knowledge, and securing our knowledge on addition, using column method. In English we has a very surprising letter from Mrs Oxley regarding certain items we had to now have in the Year 4 lunch boxes. However, because our persuasive letters back to her were SO GOOD she has decided that children do not have to have green eggs and snozzcumbers in their lunch box. Well done children!

Week 1 - Week 2

What an amazing start to the year! The children have settled back into school life so well.


Our first English topic has been 'The Caravan'. We immersed in the story on the first week, before writing our own version of the story, using the language we learnt in the first week as well as our own imagination. In Maths we recapped on our place value knowledge and have been developing our number knowledge through this week. We have used a variety of methods, as well as our own mental calculations to solve calculations.

We also began our topics, which involved sharing the children's prior knowledge, which was amazing! Particularity, electricity for Science and The Windrush for History. We even had time to create our own circuits using a battery, wires and a bulb!


Learner of the Week:

4GR - Calvin

4NB - Shahirah


Mr Rix (Year Lead and Assistant Headteacher)

Miss Begum 



Welcome to Year 4


In Year Four at Benyon Primary School, we want to create the opportunity for all children to immerse themselves fully into Key Stage Two and the exciting challenges that it will bring.


After successfully transitioning into Key Stage Two, our pupils can now understand their role as independent learners within school. We reasonably expect them to master key skills such as: organisation, time management and to continue the commitment and motivation towards learning and developing as children.


Teaching and learning in Year 4 does not stand still. We are constantly striving to excite, challenge and motivate all pupils. Whilst designing our rich and challenging curriculum, we deliver a range of lessons that engage all pupils and adopt different styles of learning giving the opportunity for practical, collaborative learning as well as stretching their reasoning skills.


As a school we celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not afraid to make mistakes. We also actively encourage and recognise that as parents/carers you will want to fully participate in your child’s progress and share in their achievements and work with us to get the best outcome for your child.

The content and rigour of our Year 4 curriculum raises expectations and inspires our pupils to achieve the absolute best they can. We aim for your child to mature emotionally and socially and feel confident but, above all, enjoy their time in Year 4.




PE Timetable

Parent information Year 4 Autumn Term



TT Rockstars

Learn your times tables whilst having fun! 


SATs Companion

Maths, English tasks can be accessed on here. This is where weekly homework will be set. 



This is an exciting spelling and maths resource for the children to explore and practice weekly spellings.



We expect the year group to read a book of choice each evening. They then add a comment or summary to the class forms - this can be found in the window of the classroom. This acts as a reading diary. 



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